Base Network Additions
This file is a general outline to the contents that the Network Addon Mod has, and is intended for anyone and everyone to read.
The contents of this document may reference older, obsolete NAM content.
It, however, can still be used as a reference guide.
Some additional features, such as the RealHighways (RHW), Network Widening Mod (NWM), RealRailways (RRW), High Speed Rail Project (HSRP), Turn Lanes, and PedMalls are covered in the Feature Guides section of this documentation.
Additional Overpasses
Fully functional Overpasses. The following additional Overpasses are now included with this mod.
Note: Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, all of these Overpasses only exist for the game when following the game’s square grid, & not against it.
Road Overpasses
Menu button contains the following overpasses:
- Road over Road
- Road over Rail
- Road over Street
- Road over OneWayRoad
- Road over Avenue
OneWayRoad Overpasses
Menu button contains the following overpasses:
Note: OneWayRoad Overpasses now contain Directional Arrows & should be placed accordingly
- OneWayRoad over OneWayRoad
- OneWayRoad over Rail
- OneWayRoad over Street
- OneWayRoad over Road
- OneWayRoad over Avenue
- OneWayRoad over Ground Highway [this is without ramps]
Avenue Overpasses
Menu button contains the following overpasses:
- Avenue over Avenue
- Avenue over Rail
- Avenue over Street
- Avenue over Road
- Avenue over OneWayRoad
Other additional overpasses
[Currently, there is no Menu Button for these. If the conditions are right, the game will build these ones automatically when using the applicable network tools to draw them]
- Elevated Rail over Elevated Highway
- Elevated Rail over Monorail
- Monorail over Elevated Highway
- Ground Rail over Ground Highway
- Orthogonal Elevated Highway (Raised) over Diagonal Elevated Highway (Flat)
- Orthogonal Ground Highway (Raised) over Diagonal Ground Highway (Flat)
More overpasses may [or may not] be added with future updates.
To build these Overpasses etc, either select them from the Menu or just simply drag one network type over the other. If you don’t see a particular Overpass in the Menu, then use the Network tools to create them. For Example: build a stretch of Monorail track; then using the Elevated Rail Network tool, drag a long-enough stretch of Elevated Rail over the Monorail Network [like: ‘+’] and the Elevated Rail over Monorail overpass will build automatically if the conditions are right.
With some of the Overpasses, especially where OneWayRoads are involved, it may be a little difficult sometimes to actually be able to build the overpass. So some patience, trial & error may be needed.
Each of the different Menu Buttons for these overpasses works by using the HOME/END and TAB key(s) on your keyboard. HOME/END rotates the overpasses on the cursor [where possible], and TAB (&/or SHIFT+TAB) cycles through the different overpasses that belongs to that menu button. When you TAB from one overpass to another, the type of overpass is displayed in the TEXT on the cursor itself [where possible].
Overpasses come under the same scope as being Interchange-base Related Item(s).
Additional Interchanges
The following Custom Interchanges are now included with this mod:
Custom Interchange(s)
Includes the following Custom Interchanges:
- Ground Highway Trumpet Interchange
- Ground Highway Partial Y Interchange
- Ground Highway Y Interchange
- Orthogonal Elevated Highway by Diagonal Elevated Highway Interchange
- Elevated Highway over Ground Highway Stack
- Elevated Highway - 3 Leaf Clover
- Elevated Highway - 2 Leaf Clover-Adjacent
- Elevated Highway - 2 Leaf Clover-Opposite
- Elevated Highway - 1 Leaf Clover
- Elevated Highway <~> Ground Highway Extended Transition
- ‘T’ Highway OnSlope Puzzle Piece Orthogonal/Diagonal
- Double ‘T’ Highway OnSlope Puzzle Piece Orthogonal/Diagonal
- Highway OnSlope Puzzle Piece Orthogonal/Diagonal
- Ground Highway 45-Curve
- Elevated Highway 45-Curve
- Additionally, Elevated Highway over Tram-in-Avenue Orthogonal/Diagonal interchanges can be found at the end of the Perpendicular Ramps button.
There currently exist some Path issues with some of these interchanges. Unfortunately, for technical reasons some of these path issues are not possible to fix at all.
Each of the different Custom Interchanges is currently contained in the one Menu Button in the Highway Menu. Use the HOME/END and TAB key(s) on your keyboard. HOME/END rotates the item on the cursor [where possible], and TAB (&/or SHIFT+TAB) cycles through the different items that belongs to that menu button. When you TAB from one item to another, the type is displayed in the TEXT on the cursor itself [where possible].
Interchanges come under the same scope as being Interchange-base Related Item(s).
Additional [Highway] Ramps
The following ramps are now included with this mod:
Note: Unless mentioned otherwise; these ramps only exist for the game when following the game’s square grid, & not against it.
Single-Sided Perpendicular Ramps
Menu button contains the following ramps:
- Elevated Highway OnRamp-Road
- Elevated Highway OffRamp-Road
- Elevated Highway Straight OnRamp-Road
- Elevated Highway Straight OffRamp-Road
- Elevated Highway Straight OnRamp-OneWayRoad
- Elevated Highway Straight OffRamp-OneWayRoad
- Elevated Highway OnRamp-OneWayRoad Forward
- Elevated Highway OffRamp-OneWayRoad Forward
- Elevated Highway OnRamp-OneWayRoad Reverse
- Elevated Highway OffRamp-OneWayRoad Reverse
Single-Sided Parallel Ramps
Menu button contains the following ramps:
All of these particular parallel ramps contain diagonal ramps
- Elevated Highway OnRamp-Road
- Ground Highway OnRamp-Road
- Elevated Highway OffRamp-Road
- Ground Highway OffRamp-Road
- Elevated Highway Ramp-OneWayRoad Forward 01
- Elevated Highway Ramp-OneWayRoad Reverse 01
- Elevated Highway Ramp-OneWayRoad Forward 02
- Elevated Highway Ramp-OneWayRoad Reverse 02
- Ground Highway Ramp-OneWayRoad Forward 01
- Ground Highway Ramp-OneWayRoad Reverse 01
- Ground Highway Ramp-OneWayRoad Forward 02
- Ground Highway Ramp-OneWayRoad Reverse 02
- Highway Entrance/Exit for raised roads
- Lateral Ground Highway Exit (orthogonal)
- Lateral Ground Highway Exit (diagonal)
- Straight Ground Highway Exit (orthogonal) **
- Straight Ground Highway Exit (diagonal) **
** Note: Due to technical issues, these two Highway Exits don’t function properly in some cases with the LHD plugin installed. The only way to fix this is to use the NAM Left Hand Drive Controller, installed as part of the NAM Left Hand Drive Plugin.
Other Ramps
[Currently, there is no Menu Button for this. If the conditions are right, the game will prompt you for these one(s)]
- Elevated Highway Avenue Orthogonal One Sided Dual Ramp
[If you have a UK version of the game, or left-hand side driving; then some of these Ramps above will be the opposite. i.e. OnRamp becomes OffRamp. OffRamp becomes OnRamp. Some of the names above have been done intentionally for a reason. They are all different types of Ramps, for now it was just figured the best way to deal with some of them was to name them in this particular manner for easier identifying in-game. This may change though].
Each of the different Menu Buttons for these ramps works by using the HOME/END and TAB key(s) on your keyboard. HOME/END rotates the item on the cursor [where possible], and TAB (&/or SHIFT+TAB) cycles through the different items that belongs to that menu button. When you TAB from one item to another, the type is displayed in the TEXT on the cursor itself [where possible].
Ramps come under the same scope as being Interchange-base Related Item(s).
Puzzle Pieces
The following Puzzle Pieces are now included with this Mod:
Please note: Many Puzzle Piece items now contain a Diagonal component (where applicable) & cover many possible configurations, with either the lower &/or upper portion of the Puzzle Piece.
Diagonal Street Helper Pieces
Menu button contains the following FLEX and Puzzle Pieces:
- Construction Piece (long version) [FLEX]
- Construction Piece (medium version) [FLEX]
- Construction Piece (short version) [FLEX]
- Diagonal Street Puzzle Piece
- Diagonal Street Puzzle Piece (Switch right)
- Diagonal Street Puzzle Piece (Switch left)
Road Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- Road Starting/Ending Section Orthogonal/Diagonal
- Road Blank Terrain - Orthogonal/Diagonal
- Road Blank Terrain - Orthogonal to Diagonal Transition
- Road Blank Terrain - Corner
- Road over Orthogonal Road
- Road over Double Diagonal Road
- Road over Diagonal Road
- Road over Orthogonal Rail
- Road over Double Diagonal Rail
- Road over Diagonal Rail
- Road over Orthogonal Street
- Road over OneWayRoad
- Road over Double Diagonal OneWayRoad
- Road over Diagonal OneWayRoad
- Road over Orthogonal Avenue
- Road over Diagonal Avenue
- Road over Orthogonal GroundHighway
- Road over Diagonal GroundHighway
- Road x Road/OneWayRoad + Intersection
- Road x Road/OneWayRoad T Intersection
- Road x Rail + Intersection
- Road over Orthogonal Ground Light Rail
- Road over Diagonal Ground Light Rail
- ‘T’ Road OnSlope
- Straight Road OnSlope
OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
Note: OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces now contain Directional Arrows (where applicable) & should be placed & linked accordingly in order to work. To view these Directional Arrows after an item has been built, use either query tools &/or the bulldoze tool & hover the tool over applicable OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces (one tile at a time only). Note that not all OneWayRoad Puzzle Piece items contain these Directional Arrows.
- OneWayRoad ON/OFF Orthogonal/Diagonal
- OneWayRoad Blank Terrain - Orthogonal/Diagonal
- OneWayRoad Blank Terrain - Orthogonal-to-Diagonal Transition
- OneWayRoad Blank Terrain - Corner
- OneWayRoad over Orthogonal OneWayRoad
- OneWayRoad over Double Diagonal OneWayRoad
- OneWayRoad over Diagonal OneWayRoad
- OneWayRoad over Orthogonal Rail
- OneWayRoad over Double Diagonal Rail
- OneWayRoad over Diagonal Rail
- OneWayRoad over Street
- OneWayRoad over Orthogonal Road
- OneWayRoad over Double Diagonal Road
- OneWayRoad over Diagonal Road
- OneWayRoad over Orthogonal Avenue
- OneWayRoad over Diagonal Avenue
- OneWayRoad over Orthogonal GroundHighway
- OneWayRoad over Diagonal GroundHighway
- OneWayRoad x OneWayRoad/Road + Intersection
- OneWayRoad x OneWayRoad/Road T Intersection
- OneWayRoad x Rail + Intersection
- OneWayRoad over Orthogonal Ground Light Rail
- OneWayRoad over Diagonal Light Rail
- ‘T’ OneWayRoad OnSlope
- Straight OneWayRoad OnSlope
Avenue Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
Note: Avenue Filler Puzzle Pieces have specifically been provided for use in situations where the use of normal Avenue Puzzle Pieces may not be suitable or possible to use in a given situation. Note that some Avenue Filler Pieces contain Directional Arrows & should be placed accordingly in order to work.
- Avenue Starting/Ending Section Orthogonal/Diagonal
- Avenue Blank Terrain - Orthogonal/Diagonal
- Avenue Blank Terrain - Orthogonal-to-Diagonal Transition
- Avenue 1x1 Filler Pieces [see note above]
- Avenue Corner
- Avenue over Orthogonal Avenue
- Avenue over Diagonal Avenue
- Avenue over Orthogonal Rail
- Avenue over Double Diagonal Rail
- Avenue over Diagonal Rail
- Avenue over Orthogonal Street
- Avenue over Orthogonal Road
- Avenue over Double Diagonal Road
- Avenue over Diagonal Road
- Avenue over Orthogonal OneWayRoad
- Avenue over Double Diagonal OneWayRoad
- Avenue over Diagonal OneWayRoad
- Avenue over Orthogonal GroundHighway
- Avenue over Diagonal GroundHighway
- Avenue by Highway Connector (this is an elevated connection)
- Avenue x Avenue + Intersection
- Avenue x Avenue T Intersection
- Avenue x Road/OneWayRoad + Intersection
- Avenue x Road/OneWayRoad T1 Intersection (Avenue continues)
- Avenue x Road/OneWayRoad T2 Intersection (Avenue ends)
- Avenue x Rail + Intersection
- Avenue over Orthogonal Ground Light Rail
- Avenue over Diagonal Ground Light Rail
- ‘T’ Avenue OnSlope
- Straight Avenue OnSlope
Draggable Elevated Road Viaduct Pieces
Menu button contains the following Starter and FLEX Pieces:
- L1 Road Viaduct Starter Piece
- L2 Road Viaduct Starter Piece
- L1 One-Way Road Viaduct Starter Piece
- L2 One-Way Road Viaduct Starter Piece
- L1 Avenue Viaduct Starter Piece
- L2 Avenue Viaduct Starter Piece
- Road 1-Level FLEX Height Transition
- Road 2-Level FLEX Height Transition
- One-Way Road 1-Level FLEX Height Transition
- One-Way Road 2-Level FLEX Height Transition
- Avenue 1-Level FLEX Height Transition
- Avenue 2-Level FLEX Height Transition
- All-Roadway 1-Level FLEX On-Slope Transition
- All-Roadway 2-Level FLEX On-Slope Transition
Wide Radius Road Curve Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- Road S-Curve
- Road 45-Curve
- Road 90-Curve (small)
- Road 90-Curve (large)
- FAR Short Curve
- FAR Long Curve
- FAR Straight Piece
- At-Grade Crossing-FAR Straight/Orthogonal Rail
- 45 Degree to FAR Transition
- FAR/Ortho Crossroads
- FAR to Ortho T Intersection
- Ortho to FAR T Intersection
- FAR Crossroads
- FAR T Intersection
- Street 45-Curve
- Street 90-Curve (Small)
- Street 90-Curve (Large)
Ground (Heavy) Rail Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- Rail Starting/Ending Section
- Rail Starting/Ending Section Diagonal
- Rail over Blank Terrain - Straight and Diagonal
- Rail over Blank Terrain - 45° Turn Left and Right
- Rail over Blank Terrain - Wide Radius Curve Left and Right
- Rail over Blank Terrain - Switch Left and Right
- Rail over Blank Terrain - Switch Left and Right Diagonal
- Rail over Straight Rail
- Rail over Double Diagonal Rail
- Rail over Diagonal Rail
- Diagonal Rail over Diagonal Rail
- Diagonal Rail over Straight Rail
- Rail over Street
- Diagonal Rail over Street
- Diagonal Rail over Diagonal Street
- Rail over Straight Road
- Rail over Double Diagonal Road
- Rail over Diagonal Road
- Diagonal Rail over Straight Road
- Diagonal Rail over Diagonal Road
- Diagonal Rail over Double Diagonal Road
- Rail over Straight OneWayRoad
- Rail over Double Diagonal OneWayRoad
- Rail over Diagonal OneWayRoad
- Diagonal Rail over Straight OneWayRoad
- Diagonal Rail over Diagonal OneWayRoad
- Diagonal Rail over Double Diagonal OneWayRoad
- Rail over Straight Avenue
- Rail over Diagonal Avenue
- Diagonal Rail over Avenue
- Diagonal Rail over Diagonal Avenue
- Rail over Straight GroundHighway
- Rail over Diagonal GroundHighway
- Diagonal Rail over GroundHighway
- Diagonal Rail over Diagonal GroundHighway
- Rail x Rail + Intersection
- Rail over GroundLightRail
- Rail over Diagonal GroundLightRail
- Diagonal Rail over GroundLightRail
- Diagonal Rail over Diagonal GroundLightRail
- Rail over Pedmall 1
- Rail over Pedmall 2
- ‘T’ Rail OnSlope
- Straight Rail OnSlope
- Diagonal Rail OnSlope
Wide Radius Rail Curve Puzzle Pieces
Menu button cotains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- Rail S-Curve
- Rail 45° Curve
- Rail 90° Curve
- FARR 18.4° Curve
- FARR 71.6° Curve
- FARR Straight Puzzle Piece
- At-Grade Crossing-FARR Straight/Orthogonal Road
- Rail Y-Stack
- Rail Diagonal S-Curve
- FARR to Diagonal Curve
- Double Track to Parallel Double Track Switch
- Double Track to 45° Double Track Switch
- Double Track to FARR Double Track Switch
- Diagonal Double Track to Double Track Switch
Ground Light Rail Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
This particular item has Transit Enabled Lots for them that are not included in this mod; please visit the NAM forum at SC4Devotion & look for the appropriate thread for more details.
- Ground Light Rail Straight
- Ground Light Rail Straight Alt-Style 1
- Ground Light Rail Straight Alt-Style 2
- Ground Light Rail Straight Rural
- Ground Light Rail Turn 45
- Ground Light Rail + Crossing
- Ground Light Rail Multi-switch Crossing
- Ground Light Rail T-Junction
- Ground Light Rail Turn 90
- Ground Light Rail x Road
- Ground Light Rail x Street
- Ground Light Rail x OneWayRoad
- Ground Light Rail x Avenue
- Ground Light Rail x Rail
- Ground Light Rail Diagonal
- Ground Light Rail Junction
- Ground Light Rail Diagonal Junction
- Ground Light Rail S-curve
- Ground Light Rail Y-junction
- Ground Light Rail W-junction
- Ground Light Rail on Ped Mall Tile ~ Paved
- Ground Light Rail on Ped Mall Tile ~ Cobblestone
- Ground Light Rail on Ped Mall Tile ~ Open Paved
- Ground Light Rail on Ped Mall Tile ~ Sandstone
- Ground Light Rail Rural Straight Puzzle Piece
- Ground Light Rail Rural Diagonal Junction Puzzle Piece
- Ground Light Rail Rural Diagonal Puzzle Piece
- Ground Light Rail x Elevated Light Rail
- Ground Light Rail x Elevated Highway
- Ground Light Rail x MonoRail
- Elevated to Ground Light Rail
- ‘T’ Ground Light Rail OnSlope
- Straight Ground Light Rail OnSlope
- Ground Light Rail Loop
- Ground Light Rail Loop with gap for station
- Ground Light Rail straight and Loop with gap for station
Draggable Ground Light Rail Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- Ground Light Rail Straight with draggable Ground Light Rail Connection
- Ground Light Rail Diagonal with draggable Ground Light Rail Connection
- Ground Light Rail Straight with draggable Ground Light Rail Connection ~ Rural
- Ground Light Rail Diagonal with draggable Ground Light Rail Connection ~ Rural
- Elevated to Ground Light Rail with draggable Ground Light Rail Connection Rail
- Elevated to Ground Light Rail with draggable Ground Light Rail Connection Rail ~ Rural
- Ground Light Rail Loop with draggable Ground Light Rail Connection
- Ground Light Rail Loop with draggable Ground Light Rail Connection ~ Rural
Draggable Ground Light Rail Extension Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- Draggable Ground Light Rail Starter Alt-Style 1
- Draggable Ground Light Rail Starter Alt-Style 2
Double-height Elevated Rail Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- High Elevated Rail Ramp Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Blank Terrain - straight Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Blank Terrain - no pylon
- High Elevated Rail over Rail Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Street Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Road Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over OneWayRoad Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Avenue Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over GroundHighway Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Elevated Highway Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Elevated Rail Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Monorail Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Ground Light Rail Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Rail Viaduct Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Road Viaduct Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over OneWay Road Viaduct Puzzle Piece
- High Elevated Rail over Avenue Viaduct Puzzle Piece
- T Elevated Rail OnSlope Puzzle Piece
- Straight Elevated Rail OnSlope Puzzle Piece
Double-height Monorail Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- High Monorail Ramp Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Blank Terrain - straight Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Blank Terrain - no pylon
- High Monorail over Rail Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Street Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Road Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over OneWayRoad Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Avenue Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over GroundHighway Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Elevated Highway Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Elevated Rail Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Monorail Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Ground Light Rail Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Rail Viaduct Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Road Viaduct Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Oneway Road Viaduct Puzzle Piece
- High Monorail over Avenue Viaduct Puzzle Piece
- T Monorail OnSlope Puzzle Piece
- Straight Monorail OnSlope Puzzle Piece
Canal Addon Mod (CAN-AM) Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- Straight Canal Path Puzzle Piece
- Corner Canal Path Puzzle Piece
- T Crossing Canal Path Puzzle Piece
- + Crossing Canal Path Puzzle Piece
- Road-over-Canal Straight Puzzle Piece
- Road-over-Canal Edge Puzzle Piece
- Road-under-Canal Edge Puzzle Piece
- OneWayRoad-over-Canal Straight Puzzle Piece
- OneWayRoad-over-Canal Edge Puzzle Piece
- Avenue-over-Canal Straight Puzzle Piece
- Avenue-over-Canal Edge Puzzle Piece
- Highway-over-Canal Straight Puzzle Piece
- Highway-over-Canal Edge Puzzle Piece
- Monorail-over-Canal Straight Puzzle Piece
- Monorail-over-Canal Edge Puzzle Piece
- ElevatedLightRail-over-Canal Straight Puzzle Piece
- ElevatedLightRail-over-Canal Edge Puzzle Piece
- ViaductRail-over-Canal Straight Puzzle Piece
- ViaductRail-over-Canal Edge Puzzle Piece
The preview shows a red line for some pieces. This red line indicates that the puzzle piece does also allow creating a Flexible Underpass across the canal.
More puzzle pieces may [or may not] be added with future updates.
Each of the different Menu Buttons for these Puzzle Pieces works by using the HOME/END and TAB key(s) on your keyboard. HOME/END rotates the Puzzle Piece on the cursor [where possible], and TAB (&/or SHIFT+TAB) cycles through the different Puzzle Pieces that belongs to that menu button item. When you TAB from one Puzzle Piece to another, the type of Puzzle Piece is displayed in the TEXT on the cursor itself [where possible]. Puzzle Pieces must be built manually from the Menu.
So what are Puzzle Pieces?
(Please note: That there are some exceptions to the following section. Typical Puzzle Piece placement rules as described & depicted further below do not apply to every single Puzzle Piece item. Some Puzzle Piece based items may differ slightly in their placement &/or use due to their design. The following section is only meant as a guide.)
Puzzle Pieces are essentially like jigsaw puzzles; many smaller pieces making up a bigger picture. Puzzle Pieces came about as a result of Overpasses, from the previous section. With Overpasses you are restricted to having an Overpass at a set length, with the overpass only passing over one network. With using Puzzle Pieces though this set length can be overcome; and you can now build extended Overpasses [extended overpasses must be built manually using the Puzzle Pieces]. You can also have two or more networks, whether they’re the same or not, going underneath extended overpass(es); these too must be built manually using the Puzzle Pieces. Puzzle Pieces now also have raised intersections, which should increase their flexibility even more.
Puzzle Pieces can typically be placed on uneven &/or unlevel terrain; including placing Puzzle Pieces next to each other on uneven/unlevel terrain. The more level the terrain is though, the less the Puzzle Piece Model has to conform to the terrain, thus giving a much better visual look. This also includes being able to place Puzzle Pieces on water (any Puzzle Pieces placed on water will still function properly & carry commuters, as long as everything is linked up properly). Note: That this is by design that this is possible.
Intersection-Based Puzzle Pieces: Where there exists Intersection Puzzle Pieces like “Road x Road/OneWayRoad”, this is an Intersection Puzzle Piece aimed at and primarily for Road + Intersection, but is compatible & will work with OneWayRoad Puzzle Piece connections. Where there exists Intersection Puzzle Pieces like “Avenue x Road/OneWayRoad”, this is an Intersection Puzzle Piece primarily for Avenue intersection, and is aimed for use with Road &/or OneWayRoad Puzzle Piece connections. In other words, these intersection-based puzzle pieces are flexible. Because of this flexibility though, some minor oddities may occur (please see Technical Notes for more details regarding path oddities).
How To Use Puzzle Pieces?
Most Puzzle Pieces had to be made in a very particular way. For this reason some people may have a little trouble using them sometimes. There is a particular method in which Puzzle Pieces must generally be used, otherwise they may not function properly as intended. Puzzle Pieces that have a dual network, for example Road over Road Puzzle Piece &/or Road over Avenue Puzzle Piece, must typically be placed on top of an existing section of the network in order to implement and use them in the game properly. This is something that may take some practice, a little patience, and some trial and error to do.
Auto-Resolving & how it can help
Because some Puzzle Piece network buttons, especially OneWayRoad Puzzle Piece menu button, contain numerous items on the Home/End keys, trying to find the item you want for a given situation can be impractical. Auto-Resolvinghelps overcome this impracticality (thanks to Maxis!). Auto-resolving occurs when hovering the cursor of an interchange-based related item, such as Puzzle Pieces or interchange items, over existing sections of (non-reserved) network & Tabbing &/or Cycling through the different items attached to an Interchange-Based Related Menu Button. The game will automatically resolve only appropriate possible items for a given network in a given situation, when pressing the Tab &/or Home/End keyboard keys. Puzzle Pieces involving a two-tiled network, such as avenue & ground highway, may require the cursor be moved across the two-tiled area of the network when using the Home/End keys to access any/all of the possible configurations an item contains. There are some exceptions to this Auto-Resolving ability for some items, which typically depends on an items internal design. If in doubt, please experiment.
Diagonal-Based Puzzle Pieces
Many of the Network Puzzle Piece Menu Buttons &/or items now contain their Diagonal equivalent. In order to access Diagonal Puzzle Pieces, select a Puzzle Piece menu item & use the Home/End keyboard keys to rotate an item (where applicable). Note that not all items contain a Diagonal equivalent.
The same “How To Use” principles described above & depicted below apply to Diagonal-Based Puzzle Pieces, as they do with normal (straight-based) Puzzle Pieces. Diagonal-Based Puzzle Pieces though may take a little bit more practice, patience, and trial and error to fully utilise. Please note that all of the Diagonal-Based Puzzle Pieces have specifically been made the way they are for a reason - their (unorthodox) design makes them much more interchangeable with each other & all the rest of the puzzle pieces, thus making them much more versatile.
The following tries to illustrate how Puzzle Pieces must be used in order for them to work properly as intended:

You must have 3 Tiles of Street laid down already before you build the Road over Street Puzzle Piece. It must be done like this. With Puzzle Pieces that are 1x2, 2x1, or 2x2 etc tiles, the arrangement & set-up may be a little different but the same principles as this apply.
OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces: How to use?
Because OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces flow of traffic only travels in any one direction, using them is a little different from other Puzzle Pieces. The same principles above apply to OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces. The only difference is the Starting & Ending Pieces. If you use “OneWayRoad Starting Piece - ON” on one end of an extended overpass, you must use “OneWayRoad Ending Piece - OFF” on the other end of the extended overpass.
Many of the OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces now contain Directional Arrows to assist with their placement & general use. OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces should be placed & linked together according to these Directional Arrows, where applicable, in order for them to work & function properly. Fail to do so may result with whole sections of raised OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces not working properly at all.
The following gives an example illustration on how this should be done with OneWayRoad Puzzle Pieces in order for them to work properly as intended:

GLR Puzzle Pieces: How to use?
Ground Light Rail (GLR) Puzzle Pieces are basically Elevated Rail tracks on ground level. Use the Elevated to Ground Light Rail transition to connect both. It is recommended that you use Draggable GLR instead of GLR Puzzle Pieces whenever possible. Since the NAM doesn’t contain lots, you have to install GLR stations separately. vester_DK has created a list of all available GLR stations in the Simtropolis forums.

Draggable GLR: How to use it?
Draggable GLR can be used similar like the in-game network tools. You have to place a special starter puzzle piece first that will indicate the direction of the draggable GLR. Use the in-game el-rail tool for dragging GLR tracks. Please note: Due to certain restrictions, the preview still shows up in the same height as the el-rail tracks. At the moment, this cannot be changed.
With draggable GLR, you have almost the same liberties as with any other draggable network. For some special cases it’s still necessary to use puzzle pieces, though, such as a GLR x El-Rail intersection.The existing GLR stations need to be updated for placing them directly onto draggable GLR. A patch with updated files is available as a separate download. There’s no need to bulldoze the existing GLR network or existing stations in your city, and the patch won’t affect stations that have been placed already, however you might want to update your GLR setup to draggable GLR anyway, since it’s more flexible and less prone to crashes. You can connect GLR puzzle pieces and draggable GLR with the starter puzzle pieces (which also serve as transition pieces) at any time.


Puzzle Pieces currently have some limitations &/or known issues with them, and are as follows:
The Data View Map Congestions & Data View Map Volume Traffic Overlays do not always appear fully on all the different Puzzle Pieces (there is a reason for this). They will still show up in the Data View Map itself though.
Puzzle Pieces come under the same scope as being Interchange-base Related Item(s).
Dual/Double-Decker Networking
The following Dual/Double-Decker Networking pieces are now included with this mod:
Flexible Underpass Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Puzzle Pieces:
- Road and Oneway Ramps
- Avenue ramp
- Tram-avenue ramp
- Street Pedestrian and tunnel-street ramps
- Underpass under straight road
- Underpass under straight Street
- Underpass under straight onewayroad1
- Underpass under straight onewayroad2
- Underpass under Avenue
- Underpass under Highway
- Underpass under Rail
- Underpass junction under ped or rail
- Underpass under pedmall 1
- Underpass under pedmall 2
- Underpass under Tram
- Underpass under Tram-Avenue
- straight Underpass under curved Road
- curved Underpass under curved Road
- straight Underpass under diagonal Road
- curved Underpass under diagonal Road
- straight Underpass under diagonal Road
- curved Underpass under diagonal Road
- Underpass under Custom Textures 1-3
- Underpass under Custom Textures 4-6
- Underpass junction under park
- Underpass under park More Flexible Underpass puzzle piece are located in the following rotation rings:
- Canal Addon Mod
- High Speed Rail (HSR) - not included in NAM core download
- Real Highway Mod (RHW) - not included in NAM core download
Elevated Rail Dual/Double-Decker Networking
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- ElevatedRail on Road - Straight
- ElevatedRail on Road - Straight without pylon
- ElevatedRail on Road - Road Corner Piece
- ElevatedRail on Road - Road T Intersection - Straight Road
- ElevatedRail on Road - Road T Intersection - Dead End Road
- ElevatedRail on Road - Road + Intersection
- ElevatedRail on Road - RoadxStreet + Intersection
- ElevatedRail on Road - RoadxRail + Intersection
- ElevatedRail on Road - RoadxAvenue + Intersection
- ElevatedRail on Road - Corner Piece
- ElevatedRail on Road - Straight Road with diagonal LightRail access
- ElevatedRail on Road - RoadxLightRail T Intersection
- ElevatedRail on Road - RoadxLightRail + Intersection
- ElevatedRail on Street - Straight
- ElevatedRail on Street - Straight without pylon
- ElevatedRail on Street - Street T Intersection - Straight Street
- ElevatedRail on Street - Street T Intersection - Dead End Street
- ElevatedRail on Street - Street + Intersection
- ElevatedRail on Road - RoadxStreet T Intersection - Dead End Street
- ElevatedRail over PedMall - center pole
- ElevatedRail over PedMall - open paved
- ElevatedRail over PedMall - cobblestone
- ElevatedRail over PedMall - paved
- ElevatedRail over PedMall - sandstone
Underground Rail Dual Networking Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- Railtunnel straight below Road straight
- Railtunnel straight below Road curve
- Railtunnel below Road T Intersection dead end
- Railtunnel below Road T Intersection right
- Railtunnel below Road Crossing
- Railtunnel below Road, Street Crossing
- Railtunnel below Road, Street T Intersection
- Railtunnel below Road, Avenue Crossing
- Railtunnel below Road 45°curve, Rail 45° curve
- Railtunnel below diagonal Road, Rail diagonal
- Railtunnel below straight Road, Rail 45° curve
- Railtunnel below diagonal Road, Rail 45° curve
- Railtunnel below straight Road, Rail straight/perpendicular
- Railtunnel below diagonal Road, Rail straight
- Railtunnel below Road 45° curve, Rail straight
- Railtunnel below straight Road, Rail Switch A
- Railtunnel below diagonal Road, Rail Switch A
- Railtunnel below Road 45° curve, Rail Switch A
- Railtunnel below straight Road, Rail Switch B
- Railtunnel below diagonal Road, Rail Switch B
- Railtunnel below Road 45° curve, Rail Switch B
- Railtunnel below straight Road, Rail diagonal
- Railtunnel below diagonal Road, Rail diagonal
- Railtunnel below Road 45° cuve, Rail diagonal
- Railtunnel below Pedestrian bridge
- Railtunnel Ramp
Underground Rail/Maxis Roadways Interface Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- Railtunnel Road Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Road Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Road Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Road Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Street Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Street Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Street Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Street Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel OneWayRoad Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel OneWayRoad Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel OneWayRoad Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel OneWayRoad Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Avenue Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Avenue Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Avenue Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Avenue Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Ground Highway Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Ground Highway Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Ground Highway Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Ground Highway Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Highway Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Highway Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Highway Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Highway Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
Underground Rail/ Railways Interface Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- Railtunnel Dual-Track Rail Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Dual-Track Rail Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Dual-Track Rail Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Dual-Track Rail Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Elevated Dual-Track Rail Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Elevated Dual-Track Rail Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Elevated Dual-Track Rail Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Elevated Dual-Track Rail Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Single-Track Rail Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Single-Track Rail Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Single-Track Rail Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Single-Track Rail Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Elevated Light Rail Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Elevated Light Rail Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Elevated Light Rail Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Elevated Light Rail Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel HighElevated Light Rail Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel HighElevated Light Rail Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Monorail Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel Monorail Diagonal Rail Straight
- Railtunnel Monorail Straight Rail Diagonal
- Railtunnel Monorail Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- Railtunnel High Monorail Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- Railtunnel High Monorail Straight Rail Diagonal
Underground Rail/PedMall Dual Networking Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Cobblestone
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Cobblestone Diagonal
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Cobblestone Curve
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Cobblestone Switch A
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Cobblestone Switch B
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Cobblestone x Ground Light Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Cobblestone x Elevated Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Concrete
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Concrete Diagonal
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Concrete Curve
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Concrete Switch A
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Concrete Switch B
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Concrete x Ground Light Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Concrete x Elevated Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Open Paved
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Open Paved Diagonal
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Open Paved Curve
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Open Paved Switch A
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Open Paved Switch B
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Open Paved x Ground Light Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Open Paved x Elevated Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Paved
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Paved Diagonal
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Paved Curve
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Paved Switch A
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Paved Switch B
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Paved x Ground Light Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Paved x Elevated Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Sandstone
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Sandstone Diagonal
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Sandstone Curve
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Sandstone Switch A
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Sandstone Switch B
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Sandstone x Ground Light Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Sandstone x Elevated Rail
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Grass
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Grass Diagonal
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Grass Curve
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Grass Switch A
- Railtunnel Under PedMall Grass Switch B
Underground Rail/Tramways Crossing Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- RailUTram GLR Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- RailUTram GLR Diagonal Rail Straight
- RailUTram GLR Straight Rail Diagonal
- RailUTram GLR Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- RailUTram Rural GLR Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- RailUTram Rural GLR Diagonal Rail Straight
- RailUTram Rural GLR Straight Rail Diagonal
- RailUTram Rural GLR Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- RailUTram TramOnStreet Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- RailUTram TramOnStreet Diagonal Rail Straight
- RailUTram TramOnStreet Straight Rail Diagonal
- RailUTram TramOnStreet Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
- RailUTram TramInAvenue Straight Rail Straight Perpendicular
- RailUTram TramInAvenue Diagonal Rail Straight
- RailUTram TramInAvenue Straight Rail Diagonal
- RailUTram TramInAvenue Fillers
- RailUTram TramInAvenue Diagonal Rail Diagonal Perpendicular
Underground Rail/Miscellaneous Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- RailURoad Rail 4-way Road Straight
- RailURoad Rail 4-way Road T-intersection dead end
- RailURoad Rail 4-way Road Crossing
- RailUPedMall Cobblestone Rail 4-way
- RailUPedMall Concrete Rail 4-way
- RailUPedMall Open Paved Rail 4-way
- RailUPedMall Paved Rail 4-way
- RailUPedMall Sandstone Rail 4-way
- RailUPedMall Grass Rail 4-way
Underground Tram Underpass Dual Networking Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following pieces:
- Tram Ramp
- Tram-Road Ramp
- Tram-avenue Ramp
- Tram Crossing - Straight Road Piece
- Tram 4way underpass under Straight Road Piece and Road 4way junction
- Tram 4way underpass under Road T junction
- Tram 4way underpass under Road curve
- Tram parallel below avenue
- Tram parallel below avenue with tram underpass exits and below avenue junction with road
- Tram parallel below avenue junction with T road
- Tram parallel below avenue 4way junction
- Tram parallel below avenue T junction
- Tram below avenue curve
Ground Light Rail/Avenue (Tram-Avenue) Dual Networking Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- Tram-in-Avenue - Straight Piece
- Tram-in-Avenue - corner piece
- Tram-in-Avenue - Orthogonal Transition
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Road Intersection - dead end road
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Road Intersection
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Street Intersection - dead end street
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Street Intersection
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x OneWayRoad Intersection - dead end onewayroad
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x OneWayRoad Intersection
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Avenue T-Intersection - GLR straight
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Avenue +-Intersection - GLR straight
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Avenue T-Intersection - GLR corner
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Avenue +-Intersection - GLR corner
- Tram-in-Avenue - T-Intersection
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Avenue +-Intersection - GLR T-Intersection
- Tram-in-Avenue - +-Intersection
- Tram-in-Avenue - +-Intersection
- Tram-in-Avenue - Intersection with GLRroad
- Tram-in-Avenue - avenue curve and straight tram
- Tram-in-Avenue - avenue curve to diagonal and straight tram
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue straight - GLR T-Intersection
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue-GLR-transition piece
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue-GLR GLR diagonal exit
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Road End Transition to Left/Right GLRTram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Road Transition to Left/Right GLR + ROADTram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Road Transition to Left GLR + left/right ROADTram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue x Road Transition to Right GLR + left/right ROADTram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue GLR CloverTram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue GLR End TriangleTram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue GLR Side TriangleTram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Avenue GLR left/right CurveTram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - under elevated highway
- Tram-in-Avenue - under viaduct rail
- Tram-in-Avenue - under monorail
- Tram-in-Avenue - under Elevated Lightrail
- Tram-in-Avenue - transition to road/GLRTram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - GLR turning circle
- Tram-in-Avenue - GLR turning circle with straight tram avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal half-avenue Piece
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal Piece half
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue with orthogonal tram exit
- Tram-in-Avenue - Straight to diagonal cross
- Tram-in-Avenue - Orthogonal and diagonal tram-avenue junction
- Tram-in-Avenue - Triangle tram-avenue junction with straight avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Triangle tram-avenue junction
- Tram-in-Avenue - Straight to diagonal triangle and orthogonal avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Straight to diagonal triangle
- Tram-in-Avenue - Straight to diagonal tram-avenue junction with two straight avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Straight to diagonal tram-avenue junction with straight avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with diagonal avenue single sided
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with diagonal avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with orthogonal avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with orthogonal avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with diagonal onewayroad single sided
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with diagonal onewayroad single sided
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with diagonal onewayroad
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with orthogonal onewayroad single sided
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with orthogonal onewayroad single sided
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with orthogonal onewayroad
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with diagonal road single sided
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossing with diagonal road
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue intersection with orthogonal road on one side
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal tram-avenue crossed by orthogonal road
- Tram-in-Avenue - Orthogonal-Diagonal Piece
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal-Orthogonal Transition
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal Piece double
Note: The word “Tram” is equivalent to “Ground Light Rail” and “GLR”.
Ground Light Rail/Road (Tram-in-Road) Dual Networking Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- Tram-in-Road - Straight
- Tram-in-Road - Curve
- Tram-in-Road - Smooth S-Curve (Urban and Rural)
- Tram-in-Road - Straight 1 Street - no crossing
- Tram-in-Road - Straight 1 Street
- Tram-in-Road - Straight 2 Street
- Tram-in-Road - Straight Street and Road
- Tram-in-Road - Straight 1 Road
- Tram-in-Road - Straight 2 Road
- Tram-in-Road - Straight 1 Onewayroad
- Tram-in-Road - Straight 2 Onewayroad
- Tram-in-Road - Straight Tram Triangle (T) Intersection
- Tram-in-Road - Straight Tram Clover (+) Intersection
- Tram-in-Road - Curve1 Road
- Tram-in-Road - Curve 2 Road
- Tram-in-Road - Curve Street and Road
- Tram-in-Road - Curve 1 Street
- Tram-in-Road - Curve 2 Street
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram Curve and Straight Road
- Tram-in-Road - Tram T-Junction
- Tram-in-Road - Triangle (T)
- Tram-in-Road - Triangle 1 Road
- Tram-in-Road - Triangle 1 Street
- Tram-in-Road - Dual - Tram Triangle on Reverse Road Triangle
- Tram-in-Road - Dual - Tram Triangle on Rotated Road Triangle
- Tram-in-Road - Dual - Tram Triangle on Straight Road
- Tram-in-Road - Dual - Tram Curve on Road Triangle
- Tram-in-Road - Dual - Tram Curve on Opposite Road Curve
- Tram-in-Road - Clover (+)
- Tram-in-Road - Tram Clover on Road Triangle
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram - Bending Road
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram - Bending Roads
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram - Bending Road and Street
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram - Bending Streets
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram - Bending Streets
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram-in-Avenue with 2 Roads
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram-in-Avenue with 1 Road A
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram-in-Avenue with 1 Road B
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram-in-Avenue with Turnaround
- Tram-in-Road - Transition to Tram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue - two tram-avenues and two tram-roads
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue- two tram-avenues - tram-road on right - tram-pedmall on left
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue- two tram-avenue - tram-road on right - pedmall on left
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue - two tram-avenue - tram-road on right - road on left
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue- two tram-avenue - tram-road on right - street on left
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue- tram-avenue - tram-road - avenue - tram-road
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue- tram-avenue - tram-pedmall - avenue - tram-road
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue- tram-avenue - tram-road - avenue
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue- tram-avenue - tram-road - avenue - road
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing GLRavenue - tram-avenue - tram-road - avenue - street
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue- two tram-avenue - two tram-road
- Tram-in-Road - Crossing Tram-Avenue- two tram-avenue - tram-road - tram
- Tram-in-Road - Below Highway
- Tram-in-Road - Below Viaduct Rail
- Tram-in-Road - Below monorail
- Tram-in-Road - Below Elevated Lightrail
- Tram-in-Road Dual - transition to GLR and straight road
- Tram-in-Road Dual - transition to straight GLR and road diag
- Tram-in-Road Dual - transition to straight GLR and road vertical
- Tram-in-Road Dual - transition to straight GLR and road parallel
- Tram-in-Road - split Dual
- Elevated Light Rail to Tram-in-Road Connector Puzzle Piece
- Tram-in-Road Dual - GLR turning circle
- Tram-in-Road Dual - GLR turning circle with straight road
- Tram-in-Road Dual - Tram-in-Road diagonal center turn
- Tram-in-Road Dual - Tram-in-Road diagonal center
- Tram-in-Road Dual - Tram-in-Road diagonal outside
Note: The word “Tram” is equivalent to “Ground Light Rail” and “GLR”.
Ground Light Rail/Road (Tram-on-Road) Dual Networking and various Texture Variation Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- Tram-on-Road - Transition to Tram-in-Road
- Tram-on-Road - Straight
- Tram-on-Road - Straight 1 Street
- Tram-on-Road - Straight 2 Street
- Tram-on-Road - Straight 1 Road
- Tram-on-Road - Straight 2 Road
- Tram-on-Road - Smooth S-Curve (Urban and Rural)
- Tram-on-Road - Straight Dual Transition to GLR and 2 Roads Perpendicular
- Tram-on-Road - Straight Dual Curved Transition to GLR and 2 Roads
- Tram-on-Road - Curve
- Tram-on-Road - Curve 1 Street
- Tram-on-Road - Curve 2 Street
- Tram-on-Road - Curved 1 Road
- Tram-on-Road - Curved 2 Road
- Tram-on-Road - Tram-in-Road Diagonal Center
- Tram-on-Road - Tram-in-Road Diagonal Outside
- Tram-on-Road - Tram-in-Road Orthogonal to Diagonal Wide
- Tram-on-Road - Transition to Tram-in-Avenue
- Tram-on-Road - Transition to Tram-in-Avenue (No turn)
- Tram-on-Road - Split to Dual One-Way Roads
- Tram-on-Road - Straight below highway
- Tram-on-Road - Straight Rail
- Tram-on-Road - Straight Crossing Tram-in-Avenue
- Tram-on-Road - Straight Below ElLightrail
- Tram-in-Road - Straight Straight Grass
- Tram-in-Road - Straight Curve Grass
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout Tram-in-Road Entry
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout Tram-on-Road Entry
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout Curve
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout No Entry
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout Road entry
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout Oneway entry
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout Street entry
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout street entry
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout Tram Entry
- Tram-on-Road - Roundabout Transition to Tram-in-Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Straight Piece Grass Texture
- Tram-in-Avenue - Corner Piece Grass Texture
- Tram-in-Avenue - Diagonal Piece Grass Texture
- Tram-in-Avenue - Orthogonal-Diagonal Piece Grass Texture
- Tram-in-Avenue - Tram Turning Circle Grass Texture with Transition to Avenue
- Tram-in-Avenue - Tram Turning Circle Grass Texture with Straight Tram-in-Avenue
Note: The word “Tram” is equivalent to “Ground Light Rail” and “GLR”.
Ground Light Rail/Street (Tram-on-Street) Dual Networking Puzzle Pieces
Menu button contains the following Pieces:
- Tram-on-Street - Straight
- Tram-on-Street - Straight 1 Street
- Tram-on-Street - Straight 2 Streets
- Tram-on-Street - Straight Roads Crossing
- Tram-on-Street - Straight Tram - Street T Junction
- Tram-on-Street - Transition to Tram - Street Ends
- Tram-on-Street - Curve
- Tram-on-Street - Curve 1 Street
- Tram-on-Street - Curve 2 Street
- Tram-on-Street - 4-way Junction
- Tram-on-Street - 4-way Junction with 1 Street
- Tram-on-Street - 3-way Junction
- Tram-on-Street - Transition to Tram Curve and Straight Street
- Tram-on-Street - Transition to Straight Tram and Street Curve
- Tram-on-Street - Junction to Straight and Diagonal
- Tram-on-Street - Curve to Diagonal
- Tram-on-Street - Diagonal
- Tram-on-Street - Diagonal with Orthogonal Street
- Tram-on-Street - Diagonal with Orthogonal Roads
- Tram-on-Street - Roundabout Base
- Tram-on-Street - Roundabout with Street Entry
- Tram-on-Street - Roundabout with No Entry
- Tram-on-Street - Transition to Street and Diagonal Tram
- Tram-on-Street - Transition to Tram-on-Road
- Tram-on-Street - GLR Turning Circle 1
- Tram-on-Street - GLR Turning Circle 2
- Tram-on-Street - GLR Turning Circle 3
Note: The word “Tram” is equivalent to “Ground Light Rail” and “GLR”. Tram-on-Street uses Cobblestone by default.
More Dual/Double-Decker Network Pieces may or may not be added with future updates.
The above Dual/Double-Decker Network Pieces works by using the HOME/END and TAB key(s) on your keyboard. HOME/END rotates the Piece on the cursor [where possible], and TAB cycles through the different Pieces that belongs to that menu button. When you TAB from one Piece to another, the type of Piece is displayed in the TEXT on the cursor itself [where possible].
What is Dual/Double-Decker Networking?
Dual/Double-Decker Networking is similar to Puzzle Pieces, essentially allowing Two Networks to run parallel one on top of the other along the same stretch of tile(s), simultaneously, allowing more than one form of Transport to use the same stretch of tile(s) at the same time for commuting purposes.
Note: When using this item in front of zones, it is best if an area is zoned first before laying this item down, otherwise the zones may not face the direction you want. If in doubt, please experiment.
The limitations for Dual/Double-Decker Network Pieces are the same as per Puzzle Pieces above.
Dual/Double-Decker Network Pieces come under the same scope as being Interchange-base Related Item(s).
U-Drive-It (UDI) for Elevated Rail (EI Rail) has now been included with this mod. Currently, only “Free Drive Mode” is available for Elevated Rail Train/Station.
Where to find?
UDI for EI Rail is located under the “U Drive It” Panel, in the “Earned Land Vehicles” menu, half-way down the menu just before the Menu Icon for Monorail UDI.
How to use?
In order to use UDI EI Rail, you need to build an Elevated Rail Train Station. This will be the case regardless for a new city or an existing city. In other words; even in existing cities where there are already existing Elevated Rail Train Stations, you will still need to build an Elevated Rail Train station in order to be able to access UDI for EI Rail. If in doubt, please experiment.
Currently; UDI for EI Rail is not intended for use on “EI Rail-to-subway transitions”. Unfortunately, the game may still try to start UDI for EI Rail from an “EI Rail-to-subway transitions”. This side-affect is by design that this occurs.
UDI -cross platforms
With the advent of UDI for EI Rail, it should now be possible to take a UDI passenger train &/or UDI freight train, onto EI Rail via a custom made Transit Enabled Lot connecting ground rail to EI Rail. It should also now be possible to take a UDI EI Train onto ground rail via the same method. Just so long as the Custom Transit Enabled Lot has been made properly & with proper custom paths.
For more information regarding UDI EI Rail, please see the Technical Notes.
Additional Intersections & Junctions
This section lists Intersections, Junctions, &/or Network possibility types that have been made possible &/or are included in this mod &/or have had adjustments/fixes applied to them. All of the intersections, junctions &/or network possibility types in this section are achieved in-game using the standard Network tools, where applicable. i.e. Highway Tools, Avenue Tool, Road Tool, & so on.
Note: This list is not all inclusive & should only be considered as a guideline. Due to the multitude of items for this section, some items may exist that are currently not listed here or are not known, & as such this list may change. If in doubt, please experiment. Some known/unknown drawing, pathing &/or UDI issues may also exist with some items listed in this section.
- Junction typically has the same meaning as Intersection, but may also encompass non-intersection type junctions.
- Orthogonal = Straight or follows the Grid.
- Diagonal = does not follow the grid.
- Curve = where the network changes from orthogonal to diagonal, visa versa or other similar variation.
- S-Curve = where the network changes from orthogonal to diagonal back to orthogonal in the shortest tile distance possible, visa versa or other similar variation.
- Corner = 90 degree turn or corner.
- + Junction = a four way intersection.
- T-Junction = a three way intersection.
- Offsplit = where a network comes off of the Curve of a network.
The lists below are broken into two main Groups & items are listed by Network Set(s) according to Network Hierarchy, from lowest to highest (approximately). Group One involves only one network that have had additional intersections/etc items added for them i.e. no other networks are involved. Group Two is where more than one network is involved.
Group One
Items in this section only involve one network.
The items in this group are not in any particular or specific format.
Roundabouts. To trigger the initial Street roundabout, you must draw a Street Circle in a 2x2 tile area. There currently exists many variations with one, two, three &/or four orthogonal &/or Diagonal Streets stemming from this initial 2x2 tile area. NOTE: Requires an additional Plugin. See Installation Instructions for details.
Diagonals. This requires 5 or more tiles to be zig zagged, like a set of steps or stairs, before the diagonals are triggered. Note: Requires an additional Plugin. See Installation Instructions for details.
You can also build a diagonal street via Diagonal Street helper puzzle pieces which can be used to build diagonal streets on sloped terrains or intersections. There are two types of them: normal puzzle pieces and construction puzzle pieces.
- Road Turning Lanes. Note: Requires an additional Plugin. See Installation Instructionsfor details.
Double Diagonal
Roundabouts. To trigger the initial OneWay roundabout, you must draw a OneWayRoad Circle in a 3x3 tile area. There currently exists many variations with one, two, three &/or four orthogonal &/or Diagonal OneWayRoads stemming from this initial 3x3 tile area. Note: Requires an additional Plugin. See Installation Instructions for details.
The Avenue Tool/Network has been significantly modified, is much more flexible & now contains well over an additional 35+ new intersections, junctions &/or set-up possibility types, some of which we may not even be aware of yet. The listings for this section is to primarily give users an idea of what kind of junctions are now possible, as there may exist various different kinds of set-ups for a given listing. So if in doubt, please experiment.
Note: Due to the complexity involved & the associated paths used for the many junctions added for the avenue network, it is strongly recommended that using any vehicles during UDI Mode not be “Snapped” to the network if attempting to travel through any of these new avenue junctions.
- Diagonal one tile sideward shift. This overcomes the previous two tile restriction.
- Short Curve
- 1 orthogonal x 2 diagonal
- 1 orthogonal x 3 diagonal
- 2 diagonal bend (off-set)
- 2 orthogonal x 1 diagonal
- 2 orthogonal x 2 diagonal
- 2 orthogonal x 3 diagonal
- 2 orthogonal x 4 diagonal
- 3 orthogonal (shorter T version)
- 3 orthogonal x 1 diagonal
- 3 orthogonal x 2 diagonal
- 3 orthogonal x 3 diagonal
- 3 orthogonal x 4 diagonal
- 4 orthogonal x 1 diagonal
- 4 orthogonal x 2 diagonal
- 4 orthogonal x 3 diagonal
- 4 orthogonal x 4 diagonal
- Avenue Turning Lanes. Note: Requires an additional Plugin. See Installation Instructions for details.
- Double Diagonal to single diagonal merge
- Double Diagonal x Orthogonal
- Double Width\Tile Orthogonal S-Curve
- Orthogonal and Diagonal One Tile Sideward shift. This overcomes the previous two tile restriction.
- Orthogonal and Diagonal One Tile Sideward shift. This overcomes the previous two tile restriction.
- Currently Not Applicable.
- Currently Not Applicable.
Group Two
Items in this section involve more than one network. Items in this group follow a particular guideline format & are as follows:
- NetworkName1 <> NetworkName2 « heading. The arrows “<>” denotes the break between Network1 & Network2, & applies in the same manner to the line items that follows.
- Network1 Piece or Junction Type, Network2 Piece or Junction Type « a single line item for a given heading. The comma “,” in the middle denotes the break between Network1 & Network2.
- Network1 direction or set-up x Network2 direction or set-up « a single line item for a given heading. The cross “x” in the middle denotes the connection or intersection between network1 & network2.
Road <> Street
- Diagonal x +Junction
- Diagonal x Corner
- Double Diagonal x Corner
OneWayRoad <> Street
- Diagonal x Corner
- Diagonal x Orthogonal transition
OneWayRoad <> Road
- Orthogonal x Diagonal dead ending
- Orthogonal x Orthogonal transition
- Diagonal x Diagonal transition
- Double Diagonal x Orthogonal transition
- Diagonal x Corner
- Corner x Diagonal
Avenue <> Street
- Diagonal x Orthogonal completely through
- Corner x Orthogonal into Corner
- Corner x +Junction into Corner
- Diagonal x Corner (street corner needs to exist first)
Avenue <> Road
- Diagonal x Orthogonal one side (i. e. not completely through)
- Corner x Orthogonal into Corner
- Corner x +Junction into Corner
- Orthogonal dead ending x Diagonal
- Diagonal dead ending x Orthogonal
- Diagonal dead ending x Corner
- Diagonal x Diagonal transition
- Diagonal x Orthogonal transition
Avenue <> OneWayRoad
- Orthogonal x Orthogonal transition
- Diagonal x Orthogonal one side (i. e. not completely through)
- Corner x Orthogonal into Corner
- Corner x +Junction into Corner
- Orthogonal x Orthogonal transition
- Diagonal x Orthogonal single transition
- Diagonal x Diagonal transition
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal transition
- Diagonal x Orthogonal/Orthogonal Forked transition
- Diagonal x Orthogonal/Diagonal Forked transition
- Curve x Orthogonal Offsplit
- Curve x Diagonal Offsplit
- Curve x Orthogonal/Diagonal Offsplit
Rail <> Street
- Double Diagonal x Orthogonal
Rail <> Road
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Double Diagonal x Diagonal
- Double Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Double Diagonal x Orthogonal
Rail <> OneWayRoad
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Double Diagonal x Diagonal
- Double Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Double Diagonal x Orthogonal
Rail <> Avenue
- Double Diagonal x Diagonal
- Double Diagonal x Orthogonal
GroundHighway <> OneWayRoad
- Orthogonal x Orthogonal transition
- Diagonal x Diagonal transition
ElevatedHighway <> Street
- Curve x Orthogonal
- S-Curve x Orthogonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T-Junction
ElevatedHighway <> Road
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Curve x Orthogonal
- Curve x Diagonal
- S-Curve x Orthogonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T-Junction
ElevatedHighway <> OneWayRoad
- Orthogonal x Orthogonal transition. In order to join, the OneWayRoad section of network must be two tiles width.
- Diagonal x Diagonal transition. In order to join, the OneWayRoad section of network must be two tiles width.
- Curve x Orthogonal
- Curve x Diagonal
- S-Curve x Orthogonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T-Junction
ElevatedHighway <> Avenue
- Orthogonal x Curve
- Orthogonal x S-Curve
- Diagonal x Curve
- Curve x Orthogonal
- Curve x Diagonal
- S-Curve x Orthogonal
- S-Curve x Diagonal
ElevatedHighway <> Rail
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Curve x Orthogonal
- Curve x Diagonal
- S-Curve x Orthogonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
ElevatedHighway <> GroundHighway
- Curve x Orthogonal
- Curve x Diagonal
- S-Curve x Orthogonal
- S-Curve x Diagonal
- Orthogonal x Curve
- Diagonal x Curve
- Orthogonal x S-Curve
- Diagonal x S-Curve
- S-Curve x S-Curve
ElevatedRail <> Street
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T-Junction
ElevatedRail <> Road
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T-Junction
- Diagonal, Diagonal x Orthogonal Junction
- Orthogonal, Diagonal x Orthogonal Junction
- Orthogonal, Diagonal x Diagonal Junction
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
- Orthogonal +Junction, Double Diagonal
ElevatedRail <> OneWayRoad
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T-Junction
- Diagonal, Diagonal x Orthogonal Junction
- Orthogonal, Diagonal x Orthogonal Junction
- Orthogonal, Diagonal x Diagonal Junction
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
- Orthogonal +Junction, Double Diagonal
ElevatedRail <> Avenue
- Orthogonal x Curve
- Diagonal x Curve
- Orthogonal x S-Curve
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T Intersection (not all possibilities are covered)
- Diagonal, Orthogonal + Intersection
ElevatedRail <> Rail
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
- Orthogonal +Junction, Double Diagonal
ElevatedRail <> GroundHighway
- Orthogonal x Curve
- Diagonal x Curve
- Orthogonal x S-Curve
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
MonoRail <> Street
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T-Junction
MonoRail <> Road
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T-Junction
- Diagonal, Diagonal x Orthogonal Junction
- Orthogonal, Diagonal x Orthogonal Junction
- Orthogonal, Diagonal x Diagonal Junction
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
- Orthogonal +Junction, Double Diagonal
MonoRail <> OneWayRoad
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
- Diagonal, Orthogonal T-Junction
- Diagonal, Diagonal x Orthogonal Junction
- Orthogonal, Diagonal x Orthogonal Junction
- Orthogonal, Diagonal x Diagonal Junction
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
- Orthogonal +Junction, Double Diagonal
MonoRail <> Avenue
- Orthogonal x Curve
- Diagonal x Curve
- Orthogonal x S-Curve
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Corner
MonoRail <> Rail
- Orthogonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal x Double Diagonal
- Diagonal, Orthogonal +Junction
- Diagonal, Orthogonal Dead End
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
- Orthogonal +Junction, Double Diagonal
MonoRail <> GroundHighway
- Orthogonal x Curve
- Diagonal x Curve
- Orthogonal x S-Curve
- Orthogonal +Junction, Diagonal
Diagonal Streets
Various new intersections between diagonal streets and other network types have been added.
Note: for any junction or intersection involving onewayroad: the onewayroad tool must be drawn properly in the correct direction in relation to any adjoining networks. If in doubt, please experiment.
Draggable Wide-Radius Curves and Fractional Angle Functionality
Since the release of NAM 31 in 2013, Pattern-Based Draggable options have been available for Wide-Radius Curves for the Road and Street networks, as well as for the Fractional Angle functionality of the Road network. The patterns for these features are shown below. The pattern is shown on the left, and the result is shown on the right.








Street S-Curve


Diagonal S-Curve


The following networks support diagonal s-curves using the above pattern:
- Road
- One Way Road (OWR-2)
- OWR-1
- RHW-2
Diagonal S-Curve (Street & SAM)


Avenue 5x5 90° Curve


2x2 90° Curve


The 2x2 90° curve supports all single-tile NWM overrides and SAM overrides except SAM-1.
3x3 90° Curve


The following networks support 3x3 90° curves using the above pattern:
- Road
- One Way Road (OWR-2)
- OWR-1
- RHW-2
- MIS (L0-L4)
FAR Patterns






Transit Bugfixes/Additions
This mod contains any & all known Transit Bugfixes made to date where mpossible, practical &/or applicable. For a list of included Transit Bugfixes &/or other added items included with this Network AddonMod, please consult the History in conjunction with the above.